High quality food ingredients according to the italian cuisine.
High quality food ingredients according to the italian cuisine.
AromataGroup offers a wide range of functional ingredients from juices to fruit concentrates. Our concentrated juices are obtained from fresh or frozen fruits. The concentrate is mainly used in the beverage industry, in the production of fruit juice drinks, nectars, soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. Other fields of use are the confectionery and bakery industries, as well as the dairy industry and ice cream production. Thanks to the collaboration with the IPAM Group, founded in 1981 in Zibello, Parma, which became part of AromataGroup in 2018, we offer a line of functional ingredients specific for the savoury sector: Ipam’s production started with a line mainly dedicated to fresh pasta fillings, but shortly afterwards it expanded into the world of bakery in all its possible uses and, over the years, it became a complete portfolio of products with the integration of technological and functional ingredients. The role of research and development have been strengthened and modernized with the help of the most innovative technologies and we have established important links with both universities and suppliers in order to accelerate the formulation capacity and technological innovation in production and to offer products that represent significant competitive advantages.