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AromataGroup offers a wide range of complete flavouring and colour solutions for bakery products, ice cream, yogurt, bakery products and candies and much more.

A good flavouring and a catchy colour that makes the product tasty and attractive are certainly essential elements in the world of the sweet food industry. Taking into account a context in which new trends and tradition play the same important role, we have developed a very wide range of flavours and colours that make the final product unique while keeping intact, even in industrial production, the truest flavour of the classic recipes. The deep knowledge of the original flavours together with an extraordinary creativity, allow us to create complete solutions always in line with the customer’s request.

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CEO of AromataGroup

Bakery Products

The bakery industry provides an extremely wide range of products to meet any flavour and preparation requirement. Innovation, especially regarding colours and natural flavours, plays an important role in this context, because it allows the consumer's choice to be constantly multiplied. On one hand there is the introduction of new variants of flavours and ingredients, on the other hand there is a strong focus on emerging market trends, such as those oriented towards physical well-being. Our proposal offers a wide range of solutions designed to enhance the taste of leavened specialties, biscuits, croissants, sponge cake, wafers and more.


From all time classic to the most sophisticated taste: we provide not only a standard range of products with a huge variety of flavours and colours for the confectionary segment, but also tailor-made solutions which perfectly fit the biggest market trends. We study the evolution of taste and all the related colour trends, always remaining loyal to the tradition. This combination allows us to be able to provide high-quality and up-to-date solution for flavours and colours for the confectionary industry.

Ice Cream Blends

Over the past years, ice creams have gone through an intense deseasonalization process, so that ice cream, either traditional or industrially produced, is also consumed during the winter season. This change has been achieved thanks to the technological developments that has allowed to produce increasingly creamy and tasty products with a range of seasonal flavours, decorations and toppings. Depending on requirements, AromataGroup offers a range of colours, fruit preparations and flavours for ice cream and fruit concentrates for specific semi-finished products for artisan and industrial ice creams, toppings and fruit preparations.

Fruit Prepatarions

The use of industrial semi-finished products has almost no limits. In fact, alongside the classic fillings used in pastry and croissants fillings, there is more and more space for new creative ideas. In this context, chocolate is a great protagonist, which can be covered with the most unusual taste nuances. However, the objective is offering a product that combines gluttony and healthiness. The attention to the level of fat in the preparation is a key element that is taken into consideration by the consumers today, especially in some specific products such as snacks. In this vibrant scenario, we propose ourselves on the market as a professional and highly creative partner, with a complete range of flavours and colours designed to enhance every recipe, even the most innovative. Authentic flagship are the fruit flavours for semi-finished yogurt products, which enhance the most genuine and natural fragrances of the food.

Milk-Based Products

Today the food industry has developed many products derived from this important raw material. AromataGroup has created a range of colours and flavours to satisfy the food industry always looking for natural and special solutions. Fruit flavours such as Strawberry, Cherry, Banana or vanilla, chocolate, coffee and others are always available to satisfy the most demanding requirements and always attentive to quality. We offer a complete range of natural colors for fruit preparations such as yellow and orange, pink to red to purple, brown to black.


Tasting chocolate means experimenting, analyzing its organoleptic characteristics using all five senses. The food industry has managed to create countless cocoa-based products, An example is the range of solutions for flavoured chocolate, today at the forefront of consumer preferences, which combines the flavour of cocoa with the delicate notes of fruit and the stronger notes of spices.

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    Email info@aromatagroup.com Phone +39 039 51 69 601